Building Bridges:
The Art of Communication

Are you ready for deeper intimacy and connection in your personal and professional relationships?

As you dive into Building Bridges: The Art of Communication, you will gain personal insight as you explore family patterns, learn the art of creating and maintaining healthy boundaries, master effective listening and speaking techniques, navigate caretaking dynamics, and learn to manage conflicts with grace.

Here, you will also discover the power of using "I feel" statements, learn relationship repair tools, and step into emotional responsibility while finding congruence within your personal values system. 

In each chapter, various principles and concepts are presented through short videos, then reinforced through assessments and learning mastery activities. 
Each chapter also includes reflection activities, to identify areas for improvement, celebrate achievements, and to process thoughts and emotions related to the exercises. 

Join us on a journey to enhance your communication and relationship-building abilities with valuable insights and practical skills.

What's included?

12 Chapters

34+ Learning and Reflection Activities

45+ Videos

Monthly Q&A 
Exploring Course Principles

Course Lessons

MaryAnn Michaelis, LCSW, CSAT, CPTT

Your Instructor
MaryAnn began working with betrayed partners of sex and porn addicts in 2015, which led to her healing journey, and ignited a passion for educating and helping others to find recovery and healing.

She is a LCSW, as well as a *CSAT, CPTT, ART, EMDR and EFT therapist. MaryAnn specializes in working with individuals and couples struggling with ptsd, betrayal trauma, abuse, porn or sexual addictions and attachment wounds. 

MaryAnn is fluent in Spanish, and in a previous life, worked as a professional cellist. She is a woman of faith, loves family life, learning and teaching, traveling and exploring nature, Colorado Rockies baseball, beekeeping, plant-based cooking, Spanish rock, classical music and really good books.

MaryAnn is a member of the Tri-Cities Coalition Against Trafficking, and participates in anti-pornography and human trafficking policy work. 

*CSAT - Certified Sex Addiction Therapist
  CPTT - Certified Partner Trauma Therapist
  ART -  Accelerated Resolution Therapist
  EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing
  EFT - Emotional Focused Therapy