Sexual Desire Discrepancies (SDD)
Sexual desire is a vital component of a healthy relationship; however, it can cause significant problems when partners have different levels of desire. While it is natural to have fluctuating sexual desires in a long-term relationship, it can create significant power struggles when the discrepancies go beyond minor variations. Sexual desire discrepancies can cause tension, resentment, and frustration, which may ultimately lead to emotional distance or break-up.
So how can you navigate the complexities of sexual desire discrepancies and foster a healthy and fulfilling relationship? This article explores seven useful strategies to help partners find balance and manage their sexual differences through honest communication, compromise, and creative problem-solving.
7 Strategies to Help You Find the Balance When Experiencing Sexual Desire Discrepancies
1. Acknowledge the difference, but don't blame anyone:
Sexual desire discrepancies are not uncommon in relationships; therefore, it's essential to acknowledge this difference without blaming your partner or yourself. Blaming either party may cause resentment and may make it more challenging to find viable solutions. Instead, both parties should approach the issue openly and without judgment. Acknowledge that both you and your partner may have different sexual desires and needs, and it's reasonable to seek ways to bridge the gaps and bring yourself closer together.
2. Communicate honestly about your desires:
In my professional experience, couples have a difficult time opening up and communicating about their sexual desires. However, communication is crucial in every relationship, especially when navigating sexual desire discrepancies. Open and honest communication allows partners to share their feelings, needs, and expectations concerning sex and intimacy.
Through communication, partners can also clear any misconceptions and fantasies that may have been inhibiting their sexual connection. Start the conversation by discussing what you each find pleasurable and erotic, acknowledging those preferences, and finding ways to incorporate them into your sex life.
Here’s a question for you to consider.
On a scale between zero (not comfortable) and ten (very comfortable), how comfortable are you discussing your sexual desires with your partner? If your scores are on the lower end, say three or below, I suggest you pause and evaluate your fears. If you can’t honestly discuss your desires, you should consider seeking help to guide you through difficult conversations. I have observed that many couples wait too long before they seek help regarding their sexual desire discrepancies.
Additional Strategies to Deal With SDD