5 Essential Steps to Heal After Sexual Betrayal --FREE webinar!
Join Dr. Skinner as he discusses the most important steps you can take to heal after discovering your partners betrayal.
What you will learn in the webinar
Are you feeling stuck? Do you have a hard time sleeping at night? Do you have lots of questions, but don't know what to do or say? Learn how to accelerate you healing with information shared in this FREE webinar.
Information Matters
Gathering information about what happened it critical to healing. Learn what questions to ask.
How to Avoid Common Pitfalls
If you are like most people, after discovery you don't know how to respond. When you are in shock, it is hard to gather your senses and know how to respond. Learn how to avoid common pitfalls.
5 Essential Steps to Take as You Heal
After studying thousands of people whose partner was unfaithful, I began making a list of the most important actions betrayed partners were taking who accelerated their healing. These will be shared in this webinar.
02 — Join Dr. kevin skinner
Invest in yourself and your healing
Dr. Kevin Skinner is a leading therapist in the treatment of sexual betrayal. He trains therapists and runs betrayal trauma intensives to help betrayed partners heal. Join him for this informative webinar.